Friday, September 17, 2010

In Costa Rica...

If you have battled with obtaining a successful garden, finding your "green thumb" and failed, you may want to skip this post haha!

Sing to the Lord with thanksgiving; Sing praises to our God on the lyre, Who covers the heavens with clouds, Who provides rain for the earth, Who makes grass to grow on the mountains.
-Psalm 147:7-8 

As many of you know, Central America is currently in their raining season or green season as some prefer to call it. For Costa Rica, this means we experience incredibly heavy rains from about 1pm-8pm or 9pm (although it often rains well through the night as well) every single day. This has gone on since about April and will go on until January"ish". October is notoriously the worst for heavy rains and usually it will rain the entire month of October starting in the morning and going well into the night. If you have tried to call us during these hours you know just the kind of "heavy" we are talking about! You cannot hear anything!

These heavy and consistent rains bring a whole new adventure to Costa Rican life. During these months, literally everything turns green with plant life of all kinds. Even our cement patios, drive ways and streets become almost "jungle like" in appearance. Just walking down the street becomes a difficult task as the sidewalks/streets grow a thick green algae type plant that makes things very slippery. I wish we could film ourselves attempting to walk our rather large dog (German Shepherd mix) everyday. We slip all over the place (our dog as well)!

I have taken some pictures of just the kind of plant life I am talking about. These pictures are from around the rented mission home. I would like to say that the place we rent has no yard whatsoever. We do however have a small garden in the front of the house. This garden was built over a section of our cemented patio and only has about 2 inches of dirt! Other than that small section with 2 inches of dirt...everything else you see is growing directly out of the cement!
This is the cement on our back is usually just plain gray but in raining season it becomes this!
This is some sort of plant/weed that springs up where we park our car. It has been cut down and the roots pulled out several times but it always comes back. Yes, it is growing right out of the cement!
This is a very tree like plant growing out of our drive way. I am 5ft 2 just to give you a point of reference! It has also been cut down and the roots ripped out several times but always comes back healthy as ever. We usually let these two plants grow until they make it impossible to get in and out of our car! Again there is no dirt here!
This is our laundry room. The vine you see grows all along our wall and into our neighbors guest bedroom wall!!
Front patio/ somewhat organized garden. All growing from 2 inches of dirt laid on top of cement!
And finally...
We praise God for the beauty He allows us to experience in Costa Rica! Remembering the beautiful wonders of this country help us get through the tough days.

"In the generations gone by He permitted all the nations to go their own ways; and yet He did not leave Himself without witness, in that He did good and gave you rains from heaven and fruitful seasons, satisfying your hearts with food and gladness."
-Acts 14:16-17


Karen said...

Charley looks healthy. Your gardens are beautiful. I still wonder how the snake got in the house. What kind of snake was it by the way?
Keep posting these blogs I am loving them.

Missions Costa Rica said...

I am not sure what kind of snake it was or where it came from. It was black with a white belly, maybe a kind of worm snake? Not sure. I'm just glad our cats sleep with us!!!